Old Car Adverts: The Good, The Bad And The Downright Sexist

Time and attitudes move on, outlooks change and what is deemed acceptable behaviour evolves. I spent some time trawling the web, with an interest in old car adverts and how different they look now, compared to when they were originally released. The most striking thing is how overtly sexist many of them are; pandering to the outdated notion that women cannot drive or, at least, aren't interesting in it. There are some examples below of awful adverts which would be ridiculed if they were they released today, and rightly so.

In amongst those are a good selection of cheesy adverts and a few which have genuinely stood the test of time. My favourite comment belongs to the 1970s Vauxhall Chevette advert which proclaims that "the gutsy 1256cc engine thrusts you from to 0-60 in 15.3 seconds". So, here you go: a step back in time to when you grab a brand new car for less than £1,000 and denigrate your wife while doing so.

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