The Tuk Tuks of Mumbai (Video and Gallery)

I recently spent some time India, so took the opportunity to document a ride in a Tuk Tuk taxi (or, more accurately, an "auto rikshaw"). Check out the video below to see how it went.

Also, on the roads of Mumbai, I learned the following about local road craft:

1. Driving on the correct side of the road is only necessary if it doesn't delay you.
2. Red lights mean stop... unless you don't want to, or you feel that you've waited long enough.
3. You drive a Tuk Tuk at night? Lights are optional.
4. Bumpers are for just that: bumping into things.
5. People crash into everything... except very expensive looking Mercedes or Range Rovers, which are either supplied with magical shields or the fear of financial ruin for anyone who dares sneeze on them.
6. Everything which isn't a Mercedes or Range Rover looks like it's been through three seasons of banger car racing.
7. Lanes are for rough guidance and you should think nothing of stuffing three vehicles into each one.
8. Horns are good. Use them. Always.

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